Pennsauken Drug Possession Lawyer
Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Fights for Clients Facing Drug Possession Charges in Pennsauken and Throughout New Jersey
If you have been charged with narcotics possession and need a Pennsauken drug possession lawyer, it is vital for you to choose an attorney with successful courtroom experience and legal knowledge to fight for your rights. Attorney John B. Brennan is ready and able to answer your legal questions and represent you in this stressful and frightening time.
In the state of New Jersey, possession of even small amounts of heroin or other narcotics is considered a first degree felony. Mandatory sentences can include time in prison and devastating fines. In addition, a conviction shows up on any background check, causing great arm to your employment opportunities.
Facing Drug Possession Charges In Pennsauken And Have Questions? I Can Help, Tell Me What Happened.
A Pennsauken drug possession lawyer must be aware of New Jersey statutes and the proceedings for prosecuting drug crimes. John Brennan is fully aware of prosecutorial methods and what the defense can expect. He will go over your case file thoroughly and be ready to defend against prosecutorial tactics. He can also represent you in expungement cases to keep even an accusation from ruining your future.
As a former prosecutor for the state of New Jersey, John Brennan has litigated over a hundred felony cases, from murder to manslaughter and white-collar crimes. He has also negotiated pleas for thousands of other cases. Brennan is now a Certified Criminal Trial Attorney in the state of New Jersey, a title that is only given to attorneys with successful courtroom experience and who pass the Criminal Trial exam.
Get Advice From An Experienced Pennsauken Criminal Defense Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 856-988-5443 To Receive Your Free Case Evaluation.
When your future and freedom is at stake, don’t go with a less experienced attorney. Often less prepared attorneys can be easily pushed into a conviction or an unfavorable plea bargain. John Brennan knows the difference a well-prepared attorney can make for a defendant.
Don’t wait. Call the law offices of John Brennan today for a free initial consultation. John Brennan is not here to judge. He is here to help.